Carezani said to me this week: “Now ‘I’ even believe the AD work to be as big as Newtonís body of work”.
In a sweepingly simple yet profound move, Carezani has modified Newtonís Gravity Equation with a simple factor that will forever change the gravitation equation.
It puts together the notions of ADís energy-absorption which explains perihelion advance with Newtonís gravity equation to create a model of gravity describing the increase in mass of celestial bodies as part of gravitation.
The increase in mass of the Sun and planets explain the apparent “slow-down” of the spacecraft Pioneer that is now outside the known solar system. In reality, it is no a slow down. Instead, there spacecraft is working under the new gravitational laws of Autodynamics which include mass increase.
This is an incredible revolution in physics and astronomy.I have included the preliminary paper with this message.
David de Hilster
The force that causes a planet’s perihelion advance is also responsible for the Pioneer spacecraft slow-down[1].
F = m a (1)
F = force, m = mass, a = acceleration
F = m Mo G/ r^2 (2) Classical Mechanics
Mo = Solar mass, G = Gravitational constant, r = radius or distance
This equation is used to calculate the motion of all bodies in the Solar System and beyond.
F’ = m’ a’ (3)
F’ = m’ M’o G/ r^2 (4) Autodynamics
The [‘] means “increased”
From (1) and (2) we have:
a = Mo G/ r^2 (5)
From (3) and (4) we have:
a’ = M’o G/ r^2 (6)
Dividing (6) by (5)
a’/a = (M’o G/ r^2) / ( Mo G/r^2) = M’o/Mo (7)
But M’o = Mo + Moin (8)
Moin = Solar mass increment
Equation (7) is written:
a’ = a [ (Mo + Moin)/ Mo] (9)
a’ = a ( 1 + Moin/Mo) (10)
The term Moin/Mo represents the increasing acceleration per AD compared to Classical Mechanics; that is what is actually used.
It is important for the reader to note that the term Moin/Mo is note only dependent on Moin, but also on Mo. (We codify this phrase as “Ph.”).
In section E4 in the AD book [2] one finds the value for the solar mass increase per century as follows: Ic = 6.4617 10^25 gr/century. In Appendix 14 the Sun’s mass is given as Mo = 1.987 10^33 gr. Given that Pioneer traveled 25 years, we will take Ic/4 as the solar mass increment.
Moin/Mo = (6.4617/4 10^25) / 1.987 10^33
= 0.8 10^-8 (11)
This value is 10 times smaller than the value found in [1] equal to 8.5 10^-8 cm/s^2. For “Ph” the value of a century will be used:
Moin/Mo = 6.4617 10^25 / 1.987 10^33 = 3.3 10^-8 (12)
This is of the same order of magnitude as <<was described by NASA but smaller than the value found.
Of course, using the increasing mass for two centuries the value is:
Moin/Mo = *2 * 6.4617 10^25) / 1.987 10^33 = 6.6 10^-8 (13)
As we will show later on, time has no any special meaning here because we “don’t know” WHEN the “current” value of solar mass “started” (or was calculated).
What are we trying to demonstrate?
Before answering the question we need to point out how we arrive at this answer. The solar mass is of the order 10 to the 33rd power, and the increasing mass is on the order of 10 to the 25th. The latter number is eight decimal positions to the right of the former.
Sun 1.987 000 00 0 000 ———-^33
In 6.4 617 ———-^25 (14)
What does this mean? Remembering “Ph”, this simply means that the solar mass used to calculate the actual solar system motion is not the real value of the actual solar mass. It would only be necessary to increase solar mass by 16.8895 10^25 to correct the anomaly. This correction represents 17 parts per 100 million or 1 part per 6 million.
In a word: the value used for solar mass does not include the increasing mass postulated by the AD Pico-Graviton absorption. If the solar mass were corrected to the 12th decimal position the spacecraft slowdown would disappear! Once mass increase is accepted, the current solar mass
correction time will play an important role regarding the increasing mass per second after the launch of the spacecraft. In the future it will be possible to obtain values to establish a correct Pico-Graviton mass[3].
Correction of the solar mass is now possible using the data given by a few spacecraft traveling in our Solar System.
Of course, as we said in our first e-mail, specialists should undertake a detailed and technical calculation, and those specialists are indubitably in NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory at Pasadena.
Speaking conceptually, even though the values could change a little, or the equation (15) (A14) itself, the article’s authors are right.
We will mention here two of the authors’ observations. In the middle of column one on page 3, they say [2]:
“With all the above, it is interesting to speculate on the possibility that the origin of the anomalous signal is new physics [10]. This is true even though the probability is that some “standard physics” or some as-yet-unknown systematic will be found to explain this “acceleration.” This probability is of interest in itself, given that we have found no plausible explanation so far.”
It is not a “New Physics.” It is “standard physics.” It is AD’s Universal Gravitation. AD knows the “as-yet-unknown.” It is Autodynamics’ Physics, a revolution of ideas through AD’s actualization of the old conception of Graviton plus the universalization of energy absorption and mass decay, using the Pico-Graviton of AD’s Universal Gravitation.
“Is it dark matter or a modification of gravity? Unfortunately, neither easily works.”
They conclude, taking account the accuracy of the ephemeris that only a variation of “a few times 10^-6 Mo” is allowed.
Autodynamics increasing mass value is 16.8895 10^-8 or 1.68895 10^-7 that is one order of magnitude smaller.
Regarding the Neutrino the authors say:
“(A 3-cloud neutrino model also did not solve the problem [11].)”
This is not a surprise for Autodynamics. They also rule out GR.
While a New Paradigm is unknown to the general community it is difficult to see the truth. To show this we will quote John Ries[4], a planetary scientist at the University of Texas at Austin:
“I cannot believe a new gravitational force is involved, because that should affect the motion of the planets.”
This is precisely why we start this paper with ” The force that causes the planet’s perihelion advance is also responsible for the spacecraft slow-down”
In a further technical paper some technical comments from the original paper will be added, even though our calculation is, for the moment, the only one currently possible because a complete technical calculation would require the vast resources of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, notably specialists, computer facilities and the huge quantity of data needed for the complex calculation.
AD explains the Spacecraft slowing down both qualitatively and quantitatively.
This may in fact be one of the most important discoveries of this century, and AD explains it with astonishing simplicity!
Carezani-Haye. Edited by Brian F. Hall and David de Hilster.
- J. D. Anderson et al. “Indication, from Pioneer 10/11, Galileo, and Ulysses Data, of an Apparent Anomalous, Weak, Long-Range Acceleration.” At code
gr-qc/9808081 28 Aug. 1998. - R. L. Carezani, Autodynamics. Fundamental Basis for a New Relativistic Mechanics. SAA, 801 Pine Ave., Long Beach, CA. 90813. USA.
- U. J. Balis,. Private communication. Pico-Graviton mass =~ 8.08 10^-82 kg, density =~ 6.7 10^53 particles/m^3 and velocity =~ 27 c.
- C. Seife, “If the force is with them….”. New Scientist, 12 September 1998.