Experiments Relating to Autodynamics

There are many experiments that Autodynamics can explain that Special Relativity cannot. There are also improvements to existing theories that Autodynamics can explain.
Most important, there is an experiment that is proposed to prove Autodynamics correct over Special Relativity. Read the overview and the experiment.
Autodynamics Explains What Special Relativity Cannot
Marked Improvement Over Special Relativity
Compton Effect | The Autodynamics equation for the Compton Effect has already been recognized as much more accurate. (Published in Physics Essays) |
Experiments Contradicting Neutrinos
Beuchner &Van de Graaff Paper | Probably the most damning evidence yet we at the SAA have found against the existence of the neutrino. (Published in Physics Review) |
Experimental Proof for Autodynamics
Technical Overview of the Radium E Experiment | Explanation and discussion of the original Ra experiment as compared to the new. (Unpublished) |
New RaE Experiment | A definitive experiment has been proposed by Dr. Carezani that will prove which theory is correct: Autodynamics or Special Relativity.(Published in Physics Essays) |
Calorimetric Test for Special Relativity | Only one experiment to date has been carried out in an attempt to prove Autodynamics. Even though that particular experiment had a conceptual flaw and could never have proved Autodynamics over Special Relativity, it did inspire the new experiment which has yet to be conducted. (Published in Physics Review |